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hmy, could you please kindly tell me the exact
送交者:  2012年10月31日18:38:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

name of the 骨科医院 you mentioned earlier in the previous post below, its address, its specialties, and any extremely competent doctor's name, especially concerning the injuries in the neck/spine area?  Or do you know any information of a good, reputable 骨科医院 in Mainland China which can effectively treat this kind of injuries? 

This information may save a very outstanding but unfortunate Chinese life and his desparate family.  This person was hit from behind in his car while he was paying the toll at a toll booth by a reckless driver who didn't stop at the booth.  One year later, he was hit by another reckless driver from behind while he was waiting for the traffic light on his way to the clinic for physiccal therapy, and now are nearly quasi-paralyzed.  His neck/spine surgery was a failure due to American doctor's incompetence and/or negligence.  He has since suffered 10th-degree pain every minute, every day for years.  He relies on taking the heaviest dose of pain-reliever available in the market on a daily basis. 

If anyone on this forum can provide such kind of medical/traetment information, the more detailed the better, I would appreciate very, very much!  I want to help this Chinese and his family.  This Chinese is very, very talented and kind all his life, having helped many people before, but now encountered such kind of unfortunate and unfair fate.  He is suffering every day now and has given up all his hope of recovery.  While he is waiting for his day of dying in a great pain, he has put every efforts to cultivate his only daughter.  This very pretty and also extremely talented girl didn't disappointed her father, graduated with highest honor from one of the best graduate schoool in her chosen field!

Is there any of my fellow Chinese can provide useful information to help this family and rewrite their heart-breaking fate??

  骨科医院 in Mainland China which ? - haiwailaohua 11/02/12 (489)
  隔壁腐儒让转过来的--中国最好的骨科医院--积水潭医院  /无内容 - helmsman 10/31/12 (560)
    运动医学是北医三院。不过中医是维一希望了。  /无内容 - helmsman 10/31/12 (546)
    北京积水潭医院,是中国最好的骨科医院。 - helmsman 10/31/12 (544)
    这女人是何方神女,要国家花那么多人力物力去救她?  /无内容 - helmsman 10/31/12 (546)
    刘海若 ?  /无内容 - tthota 10/31/12 (553)
      对头。百度“刘海若”,一切尽在其中。  /无内容 - 憋不住了 10/31/12 (521)
    Can you provide more details?  /无内容 - conscience of cn 10/31/12 (581)
      玄武医院,地铁宣武门站,向南大约200米。  /无内容 - 憋不住了 10/31/12 (535)
        更正:宣武医院,地铁宣武门站,向南大约200米。  /无内容 - 憋不住了 10/31/12 (526)
          Thanks.  /无内容 - conscience of cn 10/31/12 (526)
      隐隐记得象是有名的有钱人家,好像在北京脑科医院?具体的不清楚  /无内容 - 照葫芦画瓢 10/31/12 (533)
        那个医生还是女医生。通过针灸按摩啥的,都从当时的报道知道 - 照葫芦画瓢 10/31/12 (576)
          海若就是北京宣武医院,中国神经内科第一大牛的地方 - 晴空 10/31/12 (594)
            Is 刘海若 the patient or the - conscience of cn 10/31/12 (568)
              凌锋,宣武医院神经外科, link inside - jk11 10/31/12 (803)
                Is your suggestion of 凌锋 - conscience of cn 10/31/12 (584)
  已经是多少年以前的事,那医院应该没了。  /无内容 - hmy 10/31/12 (517)
    I heard there is a good 骨科医院 - conscience of cn 10/31/12 (531)
      hmy去的那地方,医院离王府井要走一个半小时,应该早没了。  /无内容 - hmy 10/31/12 (484)
    那有个医学版  /无内容 - helmsman 10/31/12 (447)
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