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出自: http://www.fyjs.cn/   作者: gl4188    2012-7-23
最近,沙特、巴林、埃及的一些知名教士呼吁埃及新任总统穆尔西摧毁埃及金字塔,完成埃及第一位伊斯兰征服者、公元641年入侵埃及的Amr bin al-As未竟之志。美国斯坦福大学新闻学教授、普利策奖得主Joel Brinkley近日在纽约新闻日报撰文,批评穆尔西对此默不作声
文章链接:http://www.newsday.com/opinion/b ... s-volumes-1.3850835
Brinkley: In Egypt, Mohammed Morsi's silence speaks volumes
Published: July 20, 2012 4:16 PM
By JOEL BRINKLEY  Tribune Media Services
Photo credit: AP | Egypt's newly elected President Mohammed Morsi, center, speaks to delegates at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (July 15, 2012)

Mohammed Morsi has been Egypt's president for less than a month, and already senior clerics in his country and around the Islamic world are loudly calling for the demolition of the pyramids, Egypt's most important tourist attraction and among the Seven Wonders of the World.

Saudi Sheik Ali bin Said al-Rabi'i called them heinous "symbols of paganism." In recent days, similar calls have been echoing through Egypt and the region, including one from a Bahraini sheik who urged Morsi to "destroy the pyramids and accomplish what the Amr bin al-As could not." He was referring to the Prophet Muhammad's companion who conquered Egypt in the seventh century but didn't have the technological wherewithal to accomplish the task.

None of this should be too surprising. Islamic extremists are now destroying 15th century tombs in Timbuktu, world heritage sites, because they are considered "idolatrous." And remember in 2001, when the Taliban fired heavy artillery at two huge Buddha statutes carved into a rock face about 1,700 years ago. Taliban leader Mullah Omar had issued an edict against un-Islamic graven images. Numerous other examples exist, contemporary and ancient.

What's surprising is that Morsi has had nothing to say about this, not a word. Neither has he said anything about numerous "freelance" efforts to enforce other elements of Shariah law across Egypt, even though his new government hasn't said that's his plan.

Well, his extremist allies are already trying to enforce an ancient Koranic commandment that directs Islamists to collect a tax called the jizya from Coptic Christians and other "non-believers." Ahmed Imran, who was a Salafist-party candidate for office, recently declared that "Copts are obligated to pay the jizya." And as Raymond Ibrahim, an Egyptian-American author and columnist of Coptic ancestry, recently wrote: "Increasing numbers of attacks on Christians in Egypt revolve around extorting jizya."

The Koran (9/29) declares: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah" until "they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled." Once again, Morsi has said nothing about this.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Morsi on Saturday but didn't talk about these problems. The State Department sees the unresolved power struggle between Morsi and the Egyptian military as the most important issue right now.

Not surprisingly, Clinton did manage to mention the importance of Egypt's peace treaty with Israel. But I wonder if she knew that a few days earlier Mohammed Badi, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi's own political party, loudly proclaimed during his weekly sermon that it's the duty of "every Muslim to strive to save Jerusalem from the hands of the rapists and to cleanse Palestine from the clutches of the occupation."

Once again, Morsi had nothing to say.

In Afghanistan this month, a woman accused of adultery crouched in the dirt as a friend handed her husband an AK-47 assault rifle. He shot her multiple times, continuing to fire even after she collapsed, dead, as about 150 men stood on a nearby hillside, applauding. He then posted a video of the repulsive event for the world to see. The Afghan government did nothing.

What does this have to do with Egypt? In Afghanistan, Pakistan and some other states, extremists like the man who shot his wife are free to carry out "justice" as they see fit because the government looks aside. That seems to be the way Egypt is heading, too.

Already, the Washington Post reported, Islamic extremists who have fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan are setting up militant training camps in the Sinai, obviously up to no good, while the government does nothing.

As Ibrahim told me, "People are beginning to connect the dots. Morsi just became president, and we're already seeing changes."

Speaking at Muslim Brotherhood headquarters, Morsi said: "The second Muslim conqueror of Egypt will be Mohammed Morsi," the online newspaper El Bashayer reported. "And history will record it." Morsi has not refuted that report.

So, will extremists actually blow up the pyramids? After the Bahraini sheik's remarks went viral, he improbably denied making them. But Egyptian media reports say Salafist party officials want Egypt's new constitution to demand "the demolition of the Pyramids of Giza as they represent a symbol of unbelief." Already, Abdel Moneim al-Shahat, the Salafist-party spokesman, is advocating at least covering them with wax so all anyone will see "is a big blob," as Ibrahim put it.

But under the hot desert sun, the wax would melt in no time, possibly bringing calls for more extreme measures. If and when that happens, will Morsi, once again, simply look away?

Joel Brinkley, a professor of journalism at Stanford University, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning former foreign correspondent for the New York Times.



图片来源:美联社|新当选埃及总统穆罕默德·穆尔西,在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的非洲联盟首脑会议中心的代表发言。 (2012年7月15日)



这一切都不应该太奇怪。伊斯兰极端分子正在破坏15世纪在廷巴克图的古墓,世界遗产,因为它们被认为是“偶像崇拜。”记得在2001年,当塔利班的重型火 炮发射摧毁了约1700年前的两个巨大的佛像雕刻成岩壁。塔利班领导人奥马尔已颁布法令对非伊斯兰雕刻的偶像进行摧毁。也有许多其他的例子存在,在现代和 古代。


嗯,他的极端主义盟​​友已经开始尝试执行一个古老的“古兰经诫命,指示向科普特基督徒和其他的非信徒们收集称为jizya税”。伊斯兰主义者,“伊姆 兰·艾哈迈德,是办公室萨拉菲斯特党候选人,最近宣布:“科普特人有义务支付jizya。”雷蒙德·易卜拉欣,埃及科普特人血统的美国作家和专栏作家,最 近写道:“对埃及的基督徒的袭击越来越多,围绕着勒索jizya。”(jizya是什么?以前伊斯兰曾向异教徒收人头税,是不是这个?我查了谷歌和百度都 不知道)



这并不奇怪,克林顿没提埃及与以色列的和平条约的重要性。但我不知道,如果她知道,几天前穆罕默德·巴迪,“MSL兄弟会,穆尔西的自己的政治党的头,大 声在他每周讲道时宣布,它的职责是“每一个MSL必须努力从占领巴勒斯坦的强奸犯和种族清洗者手中,拯救耶路撒冷。”(大概是指代以色列)






“在线报纸El Bashayer报道,在MSL兄弟会总部时,穆尔西说:“历史会记录下来,第二个埃及MSL征服者将是穆尔西.穆罕默德。” 穆尔西没有驳斥了这份报告。

所以,实际上会极端分子会炸毁金字塔?之后,在巴林酋长的发言过后,他不可能拒绝让他们炸。但埃及媒体报道说萨拉菲斯特官员希望埃及的新宪法要求“拆迁吉 萨金字塔,因为它们代表了不信真主的象征。”目前,阿卜杜勒·穆奈姆AL-Shahat,萨拉菲斯特党发言人,提倡用蜡覆盖,让所有的人将看到“它只是一 个大一点的容器,”易卜拉欣说应把它至少如此。




剑鱼 1天以前
这仅仅是个开始 - 只是等待和观望“所有的”美好的事物,这些新解放的国家在完成时,影响他们的主要是由MSL神职人员。

  拆吧!山寨教真的很心虛 - heweitao 07/23/12 (391)
    现代埃及人是古埃及人的后代吗?不至于吧!  /无内容 - wigo 07/23/12 (370)
  感觉美国是在放纵穆斯林走向极端,然后。。。。  /无内容 - 无为 07/23/12 (492)
    山寨教越偏激越自相矛盾就越被世界所憎惡  /无内容 - heweitao 07/24/12 (376)
        伊斯蘭是山寨猶大教再加點基督教 - heweitao 07/24/12 (422)
        犹太教基督教伊斯兰教同源,基本教义都是非常死板细致 - eastwest 07/23/12 (543)
          中国人不死板,就是一团散砂。一神是统一思想的利器  /无内容 - bookmarks 07/24/12 (372)
        无为这你就不懂了,这世界上最愚昧的反而生命力最强如苍蝇老鼠  /无内容 - helmsman 07/23/12 (436)
          你这是混淆适应恶劣生存条件能力和愚昧落后的概念  /无内容 - 无为 07/23/12 (424)
            我不介意我們華夏的敵人伊斯蘭再犯下華夏曾經的錯誤  /无内容 - heweitao 07/24/12 (432)
            你到国外住住就知道老墨木斯林都用同一战术---生育!  /无内容 - helmsman 07/23/12 (424)
              现在工业时代了,人数再多,素质低也只能被人奴役和统治, - 无为 07/23/12 (467)
                沒錯,任何民族甘於愚味都是失敗的  /无内容 - heweitao 07/24/12 (401)
                呵呵2050年美国老墨人口过半时,你就会知道选票政治的威力了  /无内容 - helmsman 07/23/12 (421)
                  问题是能有资格当候选人的是选出来的吗? - 无为 07/23/12 (463)
                    你先给欧洲出个主意怎么对付穆斯林化?法国已快了  /无内容 - helmsman 07/23/12 (470)
                      萨科齐的做法就不错:逐渐逼迫穆斯林改变腐朽落后的文化习俗 - 无为 07/23/12 (594)
                        你得说点实际的,不要学三哥搞将来时PPT  /无内容 - helmsman 07/23/12 (461)
                        嘿嘿看来你认为生死之战是为一选项了,傻可气给选下去了  /无内容 - helmsman 07/23/12 (444)
      愚民策略而已,上面那些人干什么去哪些奢侈的酒店看看就知道 - 玩弹弓的小嘎子 07/23/12 (508)
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