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送交者:  2011年08月06日10:40:19 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Georgian MI-24, destroyed at an airbase in Senaki, the Russian aviation

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Destroyed Georgian MI-14


By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Destroyed Georgian missile boat "Tbilisi"

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Destroyed Georgian missile boat "Dioskuria"

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Undermining Georgian boat "Tskhaltubo"
By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: T-72AV (tactical number 110). The division of the tank is not installed.

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali-Khetagurovo road near the village of Tbet

Thrown on the road August 8 August 9 passing undermined by Russian troops.

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: T-72AV (tactical number 125). The division of the tank is not installed.

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali road-Khetagurovo

Abandoned by Georgian forces on August 8. August 9, during the passage of the column the 1st Battalion of the 135th Motorized Rifle Regiment 19 mechanized infantry division, has been undermined by Major Dennis Vetchinovym.

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Who: T-72AV (tactical number 109). For a tank blasted a tank is abandoned (tactical number 111) which was taken in the booty. The division of tanks is not set

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Isak Harebova street, entrance of Tskhinvali by the Zar road, in the oak grove.

August 8 shot down by South Ossetian militias, or destroyed by Russian aviation

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: tips over T-72AV. Perhaps because of the 2nd Infantry Brigade

Where: Georgia, settlement Surami

Details are unknown, possibly non-combat losses

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Who: T-72AV (unit and tactical number is not set)

Where: Irrigation canal between Zemo-Nikozi and Tskhinvali, to 400 meters southeast of the southern camps peacekeepers.

The tank was shooting on a peacekeeping base and was hit morning of August 8 response grenade fire from the base of peacekeepers.

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: 2 T-72B (tactical numbers failed to install) separate from the Gori tank battalion.

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali
crossing the streets of Moscow and the Railway Station (Peacekeeper)

Destroyed during the day on August 8, between 13:00 and 14:00, a group of militia Gen. Barankevich. Both crew were killed.

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: T-72B (tactical number 207) from the 2nd Infantry Brigade
Where: Georgia, Senaki

Discovered by Russian troops seized a military base in Senaki and burned.

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: T-72B (tactical number 209) from the 2nd Infantry Brigade
Where: Georgia, Senaki

Discovered by Russian troops seized a military base in Senaki and burned.

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: T-72B (tactical number 406) from the individual Gori tank battalion

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali
crossing the streets of Moscow and the Railway Station (Peacekeeper)

Destroyed during the day on August 8, between 13:00 and 14:00 General Barankevich. Hit of the grenade launcher RPG-7 in the back of the tower, as a result of the detonation of ammunition tank exploded into pieces. Tower has flown a few tens of meters and broke through the reinforced concrete shield building Sovprofa.

The entire crew of the tank number 406
Lieutenant George Romelashvili Murazovich
Corporal Zaza Birtvelishvili Tamazovich
Cpl Sukhitashvili Otar Dimitrijevic
officially listed missing in action

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Who: T-72B (tactical number 425) from the individual Gori tank battalion.

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, the territory of the kindergarten № 14

Hit 8 or 9 August.

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Who: T-72B (a division and tactical number is not set)

Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Street Heroes

Was shot and burned on August 8. First, the tank was disabled by transmission, and then fired from an RPG in the back of the tower, where there was no DMZ. The crew managed to vybratsya of the tank, but was killed in a shootout.

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Who: destroyed Georgian tanks T-72 of various modifications

Where: Georgia, near the town of Gori

In addition to combat losses, after the cessation of hostilities, Georgia's 15-20 T-72 tanks were captured by Russian troops at a military base in Gori and destroyed by detonation in the vicinity of 42 units of motorized rifle division

Total with captured and destroyed vehicles Georgian tank losses can be estimated at 55-60 cars (all T-72), which represents almost half of all T-72 tanks were with the Georgian army on the outbreak of war (about 120 One unit)



By krion109 at 2011-08-05

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Ossetians captured "Cobra"

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

Destroyed Georgian BMP

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Georgian BMP-2, shot down and thrown into a crew of Tskhinvali

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Georgian BMP destroyed on the highway Gori-Tbilisi

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Exploded in Tskhinvali Georgian BMP

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Abandoned Georgian BMP-2 somewhere near Gori. Puppy for BMP has no relation
Burned Georgian armored personnel carrier under Gori

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Abandoned Georgian MTLB gun MT-12

By krion109 at 2011-08-06


By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Georgian howitzers MSTA-B, counter-battery fire struck the Russian artillery

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Destroyed Georgian gun D-30 under the Tskhinvali
Abandoned Georgian gun D-30 in the Kodori Gorge (Abkhazia)

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Burned Georgian SPG vz.77 DANA

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Captured Georgian SPG DANA

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Trophy Georgia 2S7 Pion self-propelled guns

Destroyed Georgian trucks KRAZ

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-06

By krion109 at 2011-08-05

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Toyota "Haylyuks"

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
A group of 10 cars were destroyed by Russian aviation in village Mereti

American trucks

By krion109 at 2011-08-05

By krion109 at 2011-08-05

By krion109 at 2011-08-05
Georgia US-made truck 3 years after the war are abandoned and unwanted

By krion109 at 2011-08-06
Abandoned Georgian heavy tractor MAZ under Gori
    胆大的会再二再三,胆小的就会一缩再缩  /无内容 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (381)
        顶一下。拆庙搬菩萨,要干脆利索  /无内容 - redredred 08/06/11 (456)
          越南是8千万人口的国家,不要想成是打尼泊尔,无毒不丈夫  /无内容 - 父皇 08/06/11 (402)
            对越南动手必须换成亲华政府,否则还是折腾  /无内容 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (368)
              单单政府亲华,那是徒劳。政府是可以更替或被推翻的。  /无内容 - 老朽 08/06/11 (385)
              并吞了算  /无内容 - 父皇 08/06/11 (355)
            杀人念佛经, 两手都要硬  /无内容 - redredred 08/06/11 (369)
        苏联的地盘可都是打出来的,灭国亡族的打法怕是不会再有了 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (450)
          “打么,总是有风险的”,这个对,所以要往大打准备 - 父皇 08/06/11 (479)
            连越南都怕,就只能和谐了 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (466)
              阿富汗,美苏都是自缚手脚,那么打自讨苦吃  /无内容 - 父皇 08/06/11 (420)
                不要指望什么都一步到位。欲速则不达。消灭其海空军,封锁其港口 - 商鞅大秦 08/06/11 (397)
                纳粹  /无内容 - 老男孩 08/06/11 (388)
                  纳粹到的地方,有效的反抗不多  /无内容 - 父皇 08/06/11 (397)
                    这种说法太不成熟了,陷国家于不义  /无内容 - 老男孩 08/06/11 (372)
                      这又不是政府声明  /无内容 - 父皇 08/06/11 (411)
                        麻匪都比这有水平  /无内容 - 老男孩 08/06/11 (380)
                这个是对的  /无内容 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (383)
                  我们要打就不要想着道义什么的,做好被孤立30年的准备,杀人  /无内容 - 父皇 08/06/11 (401)
                    等中南海换一茬再说吧 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (444)
  一力降十会,任尔机关百出,一巴掌了事 - 阿芙乐尔 08/06/11 (386)
    以巧破千斤,管你雷霆万钧,几下子搞定  /无内容 - fair_is_fair 08/06/11 (340)
  毛子是雄性荷尔蒙正常的人,TG呢? - highsierra 08/06/11 (375)
        请问,越南开枪了吗? - 老男孩 08/06/11 (346)
        你这不着边,美国在越南打了10多年,结果你也知道 - 父皇 08/06/11 (388)
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