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送交者:  2009年04月16日11:46:55 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


  美国国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)指出,忧心政府对持有武器设下限制,以及从伊拉克和阿富汗战场返乡,情绪不安定的退役军人,都有潜在可能演变成恐怖组织或个别极端份子,有能力展开暴力攻击。但是,国土安全部在这份47日对地方执法人员提出的机密建议指出,到目前为止,这些威胁大部分仅是嘴巴说说,还没有成为攻击计划。 


  这份记注不可对媒体泄漏的文件,由美国科学家协会Federation of American Scientists )政府机密专案获得,并且公布在该组织的网站上。这份报告说,执法人员最主要关切的重点在于右翼极端份子大量采购和储存武器和弹药,因为他们担未来可能会禁止持有武器。 

  该部门并未特别点名任何积极活动的右翼极端份子组织,但是提到19954月在奥克拉荷马市发生的爆炸案。干下这起造成168人死亡事件的是美国退伍军人麦克威(Timothy McVeigh),他后来被判死刑已伏法。 





DHS Sees Resurgence in Rightwing Extremism

Updated below

“The consequences of a prolonged economic downturn–including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit–could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities,” according to a new assessment (pdf) from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

“In addition, the historical election of an African American president and the prospect of policy changes are proving to be a driving force for rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalization.”

“A recent example of the potential violence associated with a rise in rightwing extremism may be found in the shooting deaths of three police officers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 4 April 2009,” the DHS report said.

See “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis, April 7, 2009 (For Official Use Only).

The report has drawn attention from several conservativebloggers and talk show hosts, who interpreted the report’s references to right-wing positions on abortion, immigration and gun control as defamatory in this context.  The “document targets most conservatives and libertarians in the country,” according to The Liberty Papers blog.

The report, however, describes “extremists” more narrowly as those “that are primarily hate-oriented” and those that “reject federal authority,” not those who simply oppose abortion or immigration.

A 2001 report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy examined “Left-Wing Extremism: The Current Threat”(pdf).

DHS reportedly issued its own analysis of left-wing extremism earlier this year. (See Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade [pdf], Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis, January 26, 2009.)

Update: “Unfortunately, this report [on Rightwing Extremism] appears to have blurred the line between violent belief, which is Constitutionally protected, and violent action, which is not,” wrote House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson inan April 14 letter (pdf) to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. “I am disappointed and surprised that the Department would allow this report to be disseminated to its State, local and tribal partners in its present form.”

In an April 15 statement on the report, Secretary Napolitano said: “We are on the lookout for criminal and terrorist activity but we do not – nor will we ever – monitor ideology or political beliefs.”

      anything could happen! 只要有人吹一风 - yudi 04/16/09 (457)
        老中老印抢的不是白人的饭碗,怎么嫁祸? - 8mile 04/16/09 (458)
          您老要是象小孩子一样爱犟嘴,谁也没辙,哈哈!......  /无内容 - yudi 04/16/09 (414)
          在美的H1老中老印抢的不是白人的饭碗?  /无内容 - nusub 04/16/09 (342)
            当然不是。你递h1要附加很多说明滴,哈哈  /无内容 - 8mile 04/16/09 (372)
              好像别人没办过似的,那玩意就是个摆设,但H1有名额限制所以数 - 机械化神经元 04/16/09 (379)
              别逗我了,附加个不得和中产高学历人群抢工作?  /无内容 - nusub 04/16/09 (446)
                是附加在美国公民中找不到相同合适的人 - 8mile 04/16/09 (384)
                  我看你有点嫩黄瓜刷黄漆.美国啥角度,是资本家的,还是中产的,  /无内容 - nusub 04/16/09 (351)
                  有些申H1的目的是增加工作经验,或搞理论科研.没啥别的目的  /无内容 - nusub 04/16/09 (379)
                  你知不知道那些招聘广告是给申请人量身定做糊弄移民局的  /无内容 - nusub 04/16/09 (388)
                    你们还是太嫩,啥都从自己角度考虑问题,而不是从美国的角度考虑  /无内容 - 8mile 04/16/09 (388)
                      你个嫩黄瓜就别刷黄漆了.  /无内容 - nusub 04/16/09 (382)
      天天去聊天,有没有天天深思啊?  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 04/16/09 (336)
      stormfront上过没?  /无内容 - 横刀一啸 04/16/09 (361)
        没有。主要是上所在城市的足球联赛/罪案/旅游版块畅所欲言  /无内容 - 8mile 04/16/09 (353)
          靠!这样也敢说知道白人怎么想?你应该 - 横刀一啸 04/16/09 (339)
            不用啦,俺这城什么猛人都有拉。他们的内部用语我都能听懂  /无内容 - 8mile 04/16/09 (360)
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