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送交者:  2011年02月06日06:57:59 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Members of the English Defence League demonstrate in front of police on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces from across the country.

Members of the English Defence League demonstrate in front of police on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces across the country.

Members of the English Defence League demonstrate in front of police on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces across the country.

Members of the English Defence League demonstrate in front of police on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces from across the country.

Members of the English Defence League demonstrate in front of police on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces across the country.

A member of the English Defence League demonstrates on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces across the country.

A member of the English Defence League demonstrates on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces across the country.

Members of the English Defence League demonstrate in front of police on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre with over 1000 police drafted in from a number of forces across the country.

Members of the English Defence League gather for a demonstration against radical Islamism on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre, with several streets closed to keep the two groups seperate.

Members of UAF, United Against Facism, block the train station ahead of a demonstration by the English Defence League on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the English Defence League in the town centre, with several streets closed to keep the two groups seperate.

Members of the English Defence League gather for a demonstration against radical Islamism on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre, with several streets closed to keep the two groups seperate.

Members of the English Defence League gather for a demonstration against radical Islamism on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre, with several streets closed to keep the two groups seperate.

Members of the English Defence League gather for a demonstration against radical Islamism on February 5, 2011 in Luton, England. A counter demonstration was held by the Unite Against Fascism group in the town centre, with several streets closed to keep the two groups seperate.
        有那么早?一直以为他们多是明朝遗族的后代,不肯降清  /无内容 - 给力 02/06/11 (442)
          也许吧,南明那些遗民在缅甸的多。  /无内容 - whoops 02/07/11 (428)
  means somthing! - yudi 02/06/11 (531)
    说到底还是老毛的话精辟:宗教是祸害  /无内容 - highsierra 02/06/11 (459)
      中国本最不怕宗教,有孔夫子在,也没有宗教战争  /无内容 - 监视器 02/06/11 (431)
        南北朝和隋朝那会儿有过佛教与道教的战争,只是不大罢了。  /无内容 - 大猫 02/06/11 (453)
          逍遥派和少林派争武林盟主  /无内容 - 监视器 02/06/11 (449)
      他的意思是,希特勒的白人至上政策才是人类正宗,别跟他扯  /无内容 - 赵里昱 02/06/11 (946)
        鲤鱼也开始骂人了太白了吧含蓄一点不行?  /无内容 - 武一 02/06/11 (443)
          老武,今年回台湾过年了吗?我就停留了一天半  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 02/06/11 (491)
            每年这时候都下雨也去不得哪里,原想下月走公务忙打消了,你这回有什么感受  /无内容 - 武一 02/06/11 (453)
              今年春节轮到台北的cousin做东,去了六十多位亲属 - 太阳黑子 02/06/11 (575)
                只要吃吃喝喝看连续剧把名嘴都当赵本山台湾还是不错的,现在又和大陆直飞更方便了  /无内容 - 武一 02/06/11 (537)
                  好奇,台湾人听的懂赵本山满口土话? - hwang2k 02/06/11 (495)
                    一般人是有点麻烦但我听得懂,阿三同事的英语也每问题  /无内容 - 武一 02/06/11 (468)
        对了,你应该就是穆斯林,印尼是最大的穆斯林国  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 02/06/11 (419)
      这话逻辑性不强,往往 - 太阳黑子 02/06/11 (567)
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