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For air and land applications:
送交者: oldfarmer 2017月08月17日02:00:38 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 谁科普一下,燃气轮机柴油机,啥差别? 难得明白 于 2017-08-17 00:33:40

Advantages and disadvantages of gas turbine engines

Advantages of gas turbine engines

  • Very high power-to-weight ratio, compared to reciprocating engines;

  • Smaller than most reciprocating engines of the same power rating.

  • Moves in one direction only, with far less vibration than a reciprocating engine.

  • Fewer moving parts than reciprocating engines.

  • Low operating pressures.

  • High operation speeds.

  • Low lubricating oil cost and consumption.

Disadvantages of gas turbine engines

  • Cost is much greater than for a similar-sized reciprocating engine since the materials must be stronger and more heat resistant. Machining operations are also more complex;

  • Usually less efficient than reciprocating engines, especially at idle.

  • Delayed response to changes in power settings.

These disadvantages explain why road vehicles, which are smaller, cheaper and follow a less regular pattern of use than tanks, helicopters, large boats and so on, do not use gas turbine engines, regardless of the size and power advantages imminently available.

  The use of diesel engine for - oldfarmer 08/17/17 (190)
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