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I am not disagreeing with you
送交者: rca 2017月04月27日02:57:16 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 窃以为张局座哭得有点不值,虽情有可原,但格局偏小了: 驭风 于 2017-04-27 00:23:28

But, I can understand his emotional outburst. There might be something like a common cause with his old commander( whom he repeatedly mentioned). They must have gone through some tough time together fighting for what they saw as a noble but persecuted cause. Now, their dreams have finally come true and they belief authenticated. He just found an venue to let off the pent up emotion. Remember Billy Mitchell who famously fought for the air force before WWII. He was court martial for being too vocal about his cause. You can say just about the very same thing about him. However, many air commanders in the US Army in WWII held Mitchell as their hero and felt the very same vindication like a choked up emotion finally unleashed. In fact, people like him shall have my most profound homage and I am so happy to see him felt vindicated.

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