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most of who voted for Trump
送交者: rca 2016月12月14日00:50:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 看来这孩子是没救了!川普:我够聪明,不用看情报(ZT) 驭风 于 2016-12-13 15:42:34

believing that because he is not an insider, he can make a refresh start to do things some what differently from the past. Now, after Trump is elected, it seems that his cabinet posts are filled with Bush's old gangs, that had proven to be ruinous to this country. I guess it is same old ways all over again. Even worse, this wild bunch is now headed by a unruly meravic, who by the vivid demonstration of buffoneries so far even before taking office. US foreign policies seems to be on the path of taking on the characteristics of those unpredicable and constantly vacillating banana Republics. 

  meravic:a typo of maverick or?  /无内容 - 诛文丑 12/14/16 (428)
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