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lol ARM is a soft core
送交者: mike spiker 2015月08月28日04:10:20 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 中国研成ARM构架处理器 打败英特尔顶级芯片(图) 尚同 于 2015-08-27 20:21:02
Everyone can license it and build a chip. The only things you add are the semi custom and custom peripherals. Now, feb work is more important. How they fit things onto a die nicely in terms of heat, speed, and cost, are more important. But the CPU itself is just a license core. Stop making a big deal out of it.
  你这说设计J20无所谓,制造J20才有用。  /无内容 - 古宇庙 08/28/15 (419)
      成本高是因为用户少,所以中国的敌人拼命诋毁。  /无内容 - 古宇庙 08/28/15 (407)
        也不仅仅是用户少,是制造工艺不能保证成品率。  /无内容 - yudi 08/28/15 (477)
          that and also ARM loyalty - mike spiker 08/28/15 (420)
          一回事。产量低自然利润低没钱改进工艺设备  /无内容 - 古宇庙 08/28/15 (454)
  ARM is a design, de-facto  /无内容 - 古宇庙 08/28/15 (416)
    RISC and MIPS are designs - mike spiker 08/28/15 (376)
    you are clueless - mike spiker 08/28/15 (400)
      苹果的A4-A8系列和三星的Exynos系列没区别? - pacificsalmon 08/29/15 (405)
    if you want to be don't do ... - mike spiker 08/28/15 (499)
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