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送交者: highsierra 2015月05月28日20:18:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 长远来看,米帝对TG的妖魔化会遇到阻力 highsierra 于 2015-05-28 20:16:10

“China and the U.S. have been growing more and more strongly linked via their students. The number of Chinese students in U.S. colleges grew by 17 percent during the last full school year, hitting a record-breaking 274,000. Last year, 100,000 Strong, an initiative founded by the State Department, achieved its goal of having 100,000 Americans studying in China over a four-year span.”

Seventy-eight percent of surveyed students said they left China with a more positive impression of the country than when they arrived. Twelve percent left the country with a more negative impression, and about 10 percent had no change in their views of the country.

A whopping 97 percent of Americans who studied in China said the trip was worth the costs and hassle.”

  应该纠正下我说的 - highsierra 05/28/15 (669)
    不是“不少非常短期的”,而是大部分都是 - j14bc 05/28/15 (575)
  好事情。双方充分了解,和平共处是最好的了。  /无内容 - 海边 05/28/15 (502)
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