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送交者: logic. 2015月02月08日22:54:22 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Putin Warns EU: Total War If Obama Arms Ukraine logic. 于 2015-02-08 22:21:18

the article and you can read or check the sources of info if you want.  Just roll your pointer down the text.   If you see the red-colored text showing up, those are the links.  I post only those articles/info that I find are highly reliable and accurate and, of course, conscientious.

As I have said numerous times before, the BIG war is coming.  I hope you are all mentally and physically prepared from my advices.  The world has enjoyed sort-of peace for nearly 70 years since WWII, now the hell is going to break loose again.  I am afraid the human nature is so defective that human is eventually going to destroy itself.  That's sad.  As a species, human may fare even worse than the dinosaurs. 

I hope the matter won't deteriorate to the unrecoverable situation.  Best wishes to all the worthy, righteous people.

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