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艾奇逊讲话English transcript
送交者: meteor 2014月09月02日17:16:15 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 徐焰:如何评价抗战时的国民党正面战场 关羽 于 2014-09-02 09:22:33

Speech on the Far East

Dean Acheson

January 12, 1950


What has happened in my judgment is that the almost inexhaustible patience of the Chinese people in their misery ended. They did not bother to overthrow this government. There was really nothing to overthrow. They simply ignored it…They completely withdrew their support from this government, and when that support was withdrawn, the whole military establishment disintegrated. Added to the grossest incompetence every experienced by any military command was this total lack of support both in the armies and in the country, and so the whole matter just simply disintegrated.

The communists did not create this. The Communists did not create this condition. They did not create this revolutionary spirit. They did not create a great force which moved out from under Chiang Kai-shek. But they were shrewd and cunning to mount it, to ride this thing into victory and into power…


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