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送交者: xido 2010月10月14日20:10:52 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
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针对昨天太黑等的古罗马怎么文明先进,说说英国人的来源---“条顿征服” (Germanic Conq

送交者: xido 2010年10月14日12:05:26 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

针对昨天太黑等的古罗马怎么文明先进,说说英国人的来源---“条顿征服” (Germanic Conquest, Teutonic Conquest)

-----因为条顿人对被征服国的政策很明确: 死了的国民才是合格的被征服者。这逼得后者无生路可走,而面对无比残忍强盛的入侵者,他们从军队到妇孺皆只有选择自杀,连被殖民和投降的机会都被剥夺了。



后来,在公元4至5世纪前后,日耳曼部族进犯罗马帝国跟不列颠。开始了漫长的赶走和消灭伊比利亚人和凯尔特人。(伊比利亚人在种族特征上属中等身材、暗白肤色的“地中海类型”,不同于身材魁伟金发碧眼的凯尔特人。---另外,NBA的波士顿凯尔特人队(Boston Celtics) 是NBA前身BAA初创时的11支球队之一,起名估计跟身材魁伟的Celt人亚瑟王有关)


具 体过程是在公元449年,居住在西北欧的三个日耳曼部族侵犯不列颠。盎格鲁人(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Jutes)乘船横渡 北海,借罗马帝国自顾不暇之机,一举侵入不列颠诸岛。侵犯遭到凯尔特人和伊比利亚人的顽强抵抗,征服过程拖延了一个半世纪之久。这过程中的一位凯尔特人将军的英勇事迹,在欧洲传讲,在后世成就了著名的亚瑟王的传说。

直到公元六世纪末,不列颠诸岛上原先的居民凯尔特人灭绝,极少数幸存者或逃入山林,或沦为奴隶。 这就是英国历史上发生的“日耳曼人征服”,亦称“条顿人征服” (Germanic Conquest, Teutonic Conquest)因为条顿人对被征服国的政策很明确: 死了的国民才是合格的被征服者。这逼得不列颠诸岛原居民无生路可走,而面对无比残忍强盛的入侵者,他们从军队到妇孺皆只有选择自杀,连被殖民和投降的机会都被剥夺了。




在条顿堡森林战役中,落单的罗马士兵根本不是日尔曼人残酷杀掳的对手,几乎全部被屠杀,连投降的机会都没有。绝望的瓦卢斯害怕被日尔曼人俘虏后的恐怖谑杀,结果风行了人类史上少有的行为: 自杀身亡。两万罗马士兵中,不足百人生还。

The Making of England...

The following extract is a good example of a Victorian view of the origins of the British nations: England is Teutonic and owes nothing to the Celts! At the time of Taswell-Langmead's early editions views such as these would have fitted the pro-German climate. The same might not have been true after the Great War. After World War II they would certainly have appeared unpleasantly racist. Today, there is considerable disagreement with this perspective.

(...)"It is not unusual to speak of the English as a mixed race formed out of the fusion of the Britons, the Anglo-Saxons, the Danes, and the Normans; but this form of expression is apt to convey an erroneous idea of the facts. No modern European is, indeed, of pure unmingled race; yet in all some one element has maintained a clear and decided predominance. In the English people this predominant element is the Germanic or Teutonic. The Teutonic conquest of Britain was something more than a mere conquest of the contry; it was in all senses a national occupation, a sustained immigration of a new race, whose numbers, during a hundred and fifty years, were continually being augmented by fresh arrivals from the fatherland.' (Bizarrely, there is a reference at this point to Tacitus' Agricola).

"Before the end of the sixth century, the Teutonic invaders had established a dominion in Britain, extending from the German Ocean to the Severn and from the English Channel to the Firth of Forth. The Britons were soon driven into the western parts of the island, where they maintained themselves for a time in several small states.

"The remnant of the country which they retained was indeed at first of considerable context, including not only modern Wales but the great kingdom of Strathclyde, stretching from Dumbarton to Chester, together with Cornwall, Devon, and part of Somerset. But the eastern boundary of this territory yielded more and more to the influence of the invaders; and it was only in the mountains of Wales and Cumbria that the Britons preserved for any length of time their ever-decreasing independence. During the long-continued and peculiarly ferocious series of contests between the natives and invaders, vast numbers of the flower of the British race perished. Many Britons sought refuge in emigration to the continent. Not a few of the less warlike doubtless remained as slaves to the conquerors, and a still greater infusion of the Celtic element may have been effected by the intermarriages of the victors with the women of the vanquished. But the Germanic element has always constituted the main stream of our race, absorbing in its course and assimilating each of the other elements. It is "the paternal element in our system natural and political" (quote from Stubbs, Select Charters, Introductory Sketch, p.3). Since the first immigration, each infusion of new blood has served to add intensity to the national Teutonic element. The Danes were very closely allied in race, language, and institutions to the people whom they invaded; and the Normans, though speaking a different language, and possessing different political and social institutions, were yet descended from a branch of the same ethnic stock.

"But whatever be the proportion in which the various national elements have coalesced, it is certain that the principles of our constitution are in no wise derived from either Celt or Roman. The civilisation of the Romans, for the most part, departed with them. (...)"

Source: pp1-3, T.P. Taswell-Langmead (1919), English Constitutional History: From the Teutonic Conquest to the Present Time, Eighth Edition (ed. C. Phillipson), Sweet and Maxwell, London.

Taswell-Langmead obtained his ideas from Victorian Anglo-Saxonists such as Freeman. In an article in the English Historical Review (June 2000), Bryan Ward-Perkins comments that:

"In common with almost all thinkers of the time, he was certain that different moral and intellectual characteristics were biologically innate to different races. The shared certainty that nineteenth-century Englishmen had of their immense and self-evident superiority over their Celtic subjects (in particular the Irish), therefore had to be provided with a racial and biological explanation. Furthermore, links with Germany were fashionable at the time, as was an ideal of cultural and racial `purity'. In this intellectual climate, and given the message of the early sources, it is not surprising that, for Freeman, the English are in both culture and race pure Teutons, and not, to use his own term, a Mischvolk


But Ward-Perkins accepts that such ideas were challenged at the time. For example, the essayist Grant Allen held a strong belief in the Celtic contribution to Englishness and the natural scientist Thomas Huxley contended that 'both historical probability and the appearance of the contemporary English population suggested racial mixture, including many Celtic ancestors.'

Birth Myths of the Nations of Britain

Shepherd Map

England, Scotland, Wales - the 'traditional' view

History is not impartial. Interpretations of early medieval Britain are linked to a number of distinct agendas: in particular, the foundation myths of England, Scotland and Wales. The strength of these agendas has coloured, and in many ways formed, most people's conception of what happened in this period. The main theme which concerned the 'traditional' (essentially Victorian) view of the dark ages in this island is that the Welsh, Scots and English were distinct nations, with a significant racial underpinning to the differences between them. For example, Bryan Ward-Perkins (English Historical Review

, June 2000) observes that:
"Most of the English, if they know anything of early history, feel that their Englishness derives ultimately from a predominantly Anglo-Saxon ancestry, with perhaps a romantic tinge, but only a tinge, of later immigrant blood -- Viking, Norman, Huguenot, or whatever. The Britons (and the Romans) play little part in the perception that the English have of their ancestry. Consequently, they see themselves as markedly different from the other ancient inhabitants of the British Isles; and they would never describe themselves as `Celts', unless their recent ancestry included known Scottish, Irish, Welsh or Cornish ancestors."

Ward-Perkins (2000) cites Freeman, an influential Victorian Anglo-Saxonist who wrote in his Old English History for Children

"The [British] women of course would be made slaves, or they would sometimes be married to their masters. Thus there may doubtless be some little British and Roman blood in us, just as some few Welsh and Latin words crept into the English tongue from the very beginning. But we may be sure that we have not much of their blood in us, because we have so few of their words in our language ... Now you will perhaps say that our forefathers were cruel and wicked men ... And so doubtless it was ... But ... it has turned out much better in the end that our forefathers did, thus kill or drive out nearly all the people whom they found in the land ... [since otherwise] I cannot think that we should ever have been so great and free a people as we have been for many ages."

The main strands of the traditional interpretation adopt the following logic:

  1. The end of Roman rule was a precise cut-off point point. There were few if any Germanic or Irish inhabitants in Britain before the Roman withdrawal. The Britons were left helpless, disorganised and incapable of defending themselves from hordes of invaders from across both North and Irish seas.
  2. The invaders were prolific and warlike. They pushed the Britons into a narrow western strip: Cornwall, Wales, Cumbria and Strathclyde in south-west Scotland. The rest of the island (other than the parts of Scotland inhabited by the mysterious Picts) was repopulated by Anglo-Saxons and Gaels.
  3. One brief flowering of British defence, organised by the great King Arthur, halted the invaders' advance for about fifty years.
  4. The Cornish and Welsh languages developed from the tongue of the ancient Britons. Conversely, the English language has no Celtic elements and derives from Anglo-Saxon, with substantial borrowings from Latin and (later) Norman French. Gaelic quickly displaced British and Pictish in most of Scotland, eventually succumbing to English.

As we can see in Teutonic England, the essence of this interpretation is that England is fundamentally Anglo-Saxon rather than British or Celtic in racial and linguistic origin. Similarly, Scotland owes little to the Brythonic Celts, having been formed by a fusion of the Gaelic west and north (the mysterious Picts duly absorbed) and the Anglo-Saxons of Lothian in the south-east. Acceptance of this approach requires that the Romano-Britons, who numbered in millions, were simply overwhelmed by a few boatloads of invaders and fled to the west or died. Clearly, there is something wrong here!

Martin Henig (British Archaeology

, December 2002) considers that 'the creation of this myth can be laid at the doors of Gildas (the Briton) and Bede (the Anglo-Saxon). Both were Christians and took their lead from the Old Testament. For Gildas, God chastised his people, the Britons, for sexual backsliding. For Bede, the English were the new Israelites coming into the promised land.'

Ken Dark (Britain and the End of the Roman Empire, 2000) uses archaeological evidence to demonstrate a different pattern of cultural division and evolution. He concludes that the Britons were alive and well inside 'Anglo-Saxon' territory for several hundred years at least.

Similarly, Martin Henig casts doubt on the interpretation of 'dark age' evidence such as the assumptions that Anglo-Saxons were buried with grave goods and Britons were not (British Archaeology

, December 2002). "It is not satisfactory to describe, for example, the warrior buried at Lowbury Hill in Oxfordshire as an Anglo-Saxon - as many have - simply because he possessed a shield and a spear. His iron spear was enamelled, most unusually, in a Celtic style, and he was buried with a hanging bowl also in Celtic style. It looks rather as if he wanted to make it clear that he was British."

An article by Martin Evison looks at this from a genetic and linguistic perspective:  Lo, the conquering hero comes (or not)


现在 English 还有少数习语可以看到古条顿语言文化的影子:

Go through fire and water(不惜一切代价)

Rain cats and dogs(倾盆大雨)
这条习语来自北欧神话。在北欧神话中狗(dog)和狼(wolf)象征风,猫(cat)象征雨,所以Rain cats and dogs表示倾盆大雨。

Cut someone to the quick(伤害某人感情)
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