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Jim Webb speaks Vietnamese
送交者: aether 2009月08月27日19:45:32 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: US senator Jim Webb visited Burna 8/15 aether 于 2009-08-27 19:34:46
From wiki:

The senator from Virginia, who serves as chair of the Senate Foreign Relation’s subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs, stopped in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City on August 19,[52] where he met government officials, business leaders, and friends from his decades of close involvement in US-Vietnam relations. Senator Webb, who can speak Vietnamese, has enjoyed a continuous personal involvement in Asian and Pacific affairs that long predates his time in the Senate. In addition to his more recent visits as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Webb has worked and travelled throughout this vast region, from Micronesia to Burma, for nearly four decades, as a Marine Corps officer, a defense planner, a journalist, a novelist, a Department of Defense executive, and as a business consultant. He, in the 1990’s, worked as a consultant for companies wishing to do business in Vietnam.[53]
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