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I DO NOT produce any of the
送交者: conscience of cn 2019月08月05日09:02:46 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我为什么不骂别人?每天就为了那点点击量,净TM说JB大话,不 nowaynoway 于 2019-08-05 08:48:27

videos I post.  I don't care any of the hits they get.  I only provide the relevant information for my Chinese compatriots here.  You are an educated grownup, so you better make clear what you are targeting.  I don't see what kind of good effects on you from your poor education!  From your random scolding and spitting dirty words shows vividly what kind of scum you are!  Shame on you and your parents who raised a son like you!

  是不是骗人的,你丫没判断能力吗? - nowaynoway 08/05/19 (104)
    Are you sane about what you - conscience of cn 08/05/19 (96)
    You are not worth my time. - conscience of cn 08/05/19 (98)
      SB! 滚的远远的。 - nowaynoway 08/05/19 (81)
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