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送交者: oldfarmer 2019月05月17日08:55:17 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Trump should tell Americans the truth oldfarmer 于 2019-05-17 08:49:29


  • Big Fella15 hours agoThe federal debt rose nearly 3 percent; projected annual deficits worsened
    The U.S. trade deficit that Trump promised to bring down grew instead, getting 11.5 percent larger.
    The number of people on food stamps, which Trump wants to cut, grew by nearly 3 million.
    The number of people without health insurance went up — by 200,000 according to a government survey, and by 3.2 million according to a more recent Gallup poll.
    The number of coal mining jobs, which Trump promised to bring back, went up by only 500. Manufacturing jobs grew just a bit faster than total employment.

  • Go Green14 hours agoWell said by other readers:

    Trump declared bankruptcy six times. Trump did not pay taxes for 10 years after losing over $1 billion. 

    And this is the guy we want negotiating economic deals on a worldwide basis?

    “Trump has insisted that China would pay the tariffs, not American consumers.”

    And Mexico will pay for The Wall. And other assorted fantasies.

    Trump Translator: 
    ""Many People have told me" = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me. 
    "A lot of people don't know" = I just learned something most people already knew. 
    "Believe me" = I just lied. 
    "In Fact" = I'm about to lie.
    "He's a great guy" = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me. 
    "MAGA" = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers. 
    "Nobody knew" = Everyone knew except me. 
    "Huge" = moderate to below average in size. 
    "Loser" = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments.
    "Policy Briefing" = Turning on Fox News.
    "Liar" = Someone telling the truth about me

    I don't think DJT realizes that China will retaliate with tariffs of their own, reducing sale of US farm goods in China, so this trade war will increase our costs and reduce our exports. Sounds like a recipe for recession


    Trump :
    "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall."
    Sources: Donald Trump’s presidential announcement speech

    Which word is trustworthy by Trump and his regime ??? None

  • Mark12 hours agoTo be able to tell Americans the truth he'd have to both understand it and actually want to deliberately repeat it. His claims of China paying the tariffs show that one or the other, or both, are not the case.

    Oh. But trade wars are good and easy to win... He "knows" that.

  • RobertKlineArt.com18 hours agoImmiseration. Karl Marx claimed that capitalism would immiserate workers: he meant that labor would be “exploited” — not just in a purely ethical sense, but in a narrower economic one: that real wages would fall, and working conditions would deteriorate. How was Marx doing on this score? Well wages in many advanced economies — notably, the most purely capitalist in a financialized sense — have failed to keep pace with productivity; not for years, but for decades. America’s median wage has been stagnant for roughly 40 years while the 1%'s have skyrocketed.

  • keith13 hours agoI volunteer preparing taxes for seniors and people of low incomes and have done so for more than 8 years. The poverty has increased. Seniors with high medical bills and other previously allowed deductions paid move taxes this year including the small increases on their monthly incomes. Those families with lower incomes having more than one childcare, mortgages, real estate taxes and again other deductions that were previously also allowed are now so limited that they also paid more compined taxes this year than last. So, the poor are getting poorer while the wealthy, big business and the higher middle class are doing better. This is creating greater poverty. Some senior who never before had to apply for aid are now doing so and so are those with lower incomes. What will higher product prices do to these Americans? Many of us will cry while paying more, but at least we can still afford it but there are those who cannot and they are being totally forgotten.

  • Debonair16 hours ago" Trump should tell Americans the truth about his trade war..." Which brings to mind the quote made by the illustrious Rudy Giuliani, " Truth isn't truth.” which would probably be very applicable in reference to anything uttered by trump.

  • Kurt15 hours agoBut, just remember folks, Trade wars are easy.

  • Debbie14 hours agoTariffs are a tax on Americans. Most likely businesses will pass this on to the consumers or layoff the workers. But one thing you can be sure, it won't be coming out of the CEO's paychecks!

  • USMCvet16 hours agoSelective tariffs are often used and can be very effective. Mass tariffs, when you do not understand the global economy are quite different and may lead to ruin. trump has never had a problem playing with other people's money.

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