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送交者:  2013年10月25日20:57:25 于 [世界股票论坛] 发送悄悄话
Is it too late to buy the stocks?


How are your stock trading going? I hope it has been a profitable one! As the market has been rallying for the past 3 years, it should have been easy to make money no? If you had sold some positions too soon, don't regret! Even I have done the same in the past. However, with trendline following it is almost impossible to "miss the boat" with high quality, high potential stocks! What's more is there are endless supply of new stocks just ripe for upside move, with sky high potentials! And you can easily find them with Screenulator's screeners that screens based on classical and trendline Chart patterns that have been used for decades by professional traders!


Screeners like Rounding Bottoms: http://www.screenulator.com/cgi-bin/v?pid=ref#rounding_bottom

Flat Channel breakouts: http://www.screenulator.com/cgi-bin/v?pid=ref#flat_channel_breakouts

And my personal favorite Trendlines patterns: http://www.screenulator.com/cgi-bin/v?pid=ref#trendlines


These all give you access to limitless supply of screen results of stocks with higher probability of winning than fundamental analysis alone. Furthermore, you can combine different TA screeners to make your own unique screening as easily as a few clicks of a mouse, without having to learn any scripting language!



With these tools, and diversification, and right mindset, you can trade the market calmly and rationally, never have to worry about if the market is too high to enter, or too low that it would not recover. With properly diversified trading portfolio, you can quickly cut losses to the stocks violated chart patterns / trendlines, and keep riding the winners to the moon!



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2011: 昨天把老熊吵醒了,今天轮到他发威了。
2011: 德国人不想再玩欧罗了,正在印马克呢!
2010: 老道的吧唧要来了。
2010: “海归”土得掉渣的六大特征
2009: 81% of the first 199 SP500 companies