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e la solita stiria del pastore --by Mike05
送交者:  2011年04月04日21:26:29 于 [世界音乐论坛] 发送悄悄话
from Cilea's "L'Arlesiana")

[Federico loves a girl of ill repute, so his family arranges a marriage with a childhood sweetheart. The heart-broken lad compares his sad adventure to the well known tale of a shepherd boy. He knows he will never foreget his one true love.]

E la solita storia del pastore...
Il povero ragazzo voleva raccontarla
e s'addormi.
C'e nel sonno l'oblio.
Come l'invidio!
Anch'io vorrei dormir cosi,
nel sonno almen l'oblio trovar!
La pace sol cercando io vo'.
Vorrei poter tutto scordar!
Ma ogni sforzo e vano.
Davanti ho sempre
di lei il dolce sembiante.
La pace tolta E solo a me.
Perche degg'io tanto penar?
Lei! sempre lei mi parla ancor!
Fatale vision, mi lascia!
Mi fai tanto male,


It's That Familiar Tale

It's that familiar tale you've heard of the shepherd...
That penniless young man, attempting to retell it,
fell sound asleep.
In such slumber there's oblivion.
How I've envied him!
Like him, I would sleep all of my days-
at least if I slept, I might forget!
I seek only peace, it's all I need!
Forget it all, never recall!
Yet all is futile effort,
before me will always be
that sweet face of hers, alas!
My peace and my quiet, forever gone!
Why must I suffer so, oh why?
She, always she, speaks again to me!
Vision so fatal, please vanish!
How you have harmed me!
e la solita stiria del pastore
送交者: mike05 2011年04月04日10:22:23 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
选自《阿莱城姑娘》,契雷亚曲, 费德利认定这位阿莱城姑娘已经不忠于他;他希望能够忘掉那常折磨他心灵的可爱容貌,象熟睡在生旁的小牧童(他的白痴弟弟)那样安然入睡。
歌 词大意:这个寻常的牧羊人的故事,可怜的青年本想亲自述说,他睡着了,梦里把一切忘却,真令人羡慕!我也很想能入梦乡,在梦里能把一切忘记!只想进入宁 静,把那往事都忘记。但一切都枉然,眼前总是出现她甜美的形象,心中的宁静离开了我。为什么要受折磨?她总在心理跟我说。愿这要命的幻觉离开我,别让我受 痛苦,受折磨。
  麦五带给我们的不仅是歌,还有艺术氛围~ - 梦鸽儿~ 04/05/11 (435)
    梦鸽儿的的话总是那么的精辟,呵呵  /无内容 - 火树 04/06/11 (436)
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