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佩洛西老太太情急之下不顾自打脸?(Nancy Pelosi)
送交者:  2019年12月08日15:04:24 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话


佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)说,让选民决定特朗普的命运是危险的。换句话说,她认为我会赢,不想冒险让选民来决定。和艾尔·格林一样,她想要改变我们的投票制度。哇,  她疯了!“ 唐纳德·特朗普总统周二在推特上写道

(Yahoo news)




















Yahoo News


Nancy Pelosi just stated that ‘it is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.’ @FoxNews In other words, she thinks I’m going to win and doesn’t want to take a chance on letting the voters decide. Like Al Green, she wants to change our voting system. Wow, she’s CRAZY!” tweeted President Donald Trump Tuesday.


Well, not exactly. Trump’s tweet quotes a Fox News reporter summarizing Pelosi’s position, not the speaker’s statement verbatim. Left-wing Twitterverse, of course, immediately jumped all over the president’s clumsy wording and acted as if the substance of his contention was wholly untrue. It wasn’t.


In her “Dear Colleague” letter pushing back against Republican anti-impeachment talking points, Pelosi wrote this: “The weak response to these hearings has been, ‘Let the election decide.’ That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because the President is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections.” Is he?


If a Republican had suggested that a presidential election was a “dangerous” notion, he would have triggered around-the-clock panic-stricken coverage on CNN and a series of deep dives in The Atlantic lamenting the conservative turn against our sacred democratic ideals.


What Pelosi has done is even more cynical. She’s arguing that if Democrats fail in their efforts to impeach Trump—and, I assume, remove him from office—then the very legitimacy of the 2020 election will be in question before any votes are cast.


Though most liberals have long declared the 2016 contest contaminated, as far as we know, absolutely nothing—not even the most successful foreign efforts in “interference” or “meddling”—damaged the integrity of the election results.


Notwithstanding the belief of more than 60% of Democrats, precipitated by breathless and often misleading media coverage, not one vote was altered by Russian President Vladimir Putin, nor was a single person’s free will purloined by a Russian Twitter bot or Facebook ad.


And, contra Pelosi’s implication, whatever you make of Trump’s request from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate Joe Biden’s shady son, not one voter will be restricted from casting a ballot for whomever they please in 2020.


In truth, voters will know more about the inner workings of Trump’s presidency than they have about any other administration in memory. Maybe they care, maybe they don’t, but that’s not up to Pelosi.

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