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危言耸听叫嚣的视觉疲劳-又是中美大战 zt
送交者:  2017年06月10日07:35:54 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

  Why a War Between China and America Would Be Far Worse Than You Can Imagine


Because it might just be the very of many. 

    The National Interest   By Robert Farley   June 9, 2017


Potentially, victory could cement the US-led alliance system, making the containment of China considerably less expensive. Assuming that the war began with an assertive Chinese move in the East or South China Sea, the United States could plausibly paint China as the aggressor, and establish itself as the focal point for balancing behavior in the region. Chinese aggression might also spur regional allies (especially Japan) to increase their defense expenditures.

A war could invigorate US government and society around the long-term project of containing China. The US could respond by redoubling its efforts to outpace the Chinese military, although this would provoke an arms race that could prove devastating to both sides. However, given the lack of ideological or territorial threats to the United States, this might be a tough sell.


潜在的胜利可能会巩固美国领导的联盟体系,使得遏制中国的成本大大降低。 假设这场战争是以东中南海的中国主张为由开始的,美国可能会把中国作为侵略者,把自己定位为平衡该地区行为的焦点。 中国的侵略也可能刺激区域盟友(特别是日本)增加国防支出。

围绕围绕中国的长期项目,战争可以激发美国政府和社会。 美国可以加倍努力超越中国军队,虽然这会引发可能对双方造成破坏的军备竞赛。 不过,鉴于美国缺乏意识形态或领土威胁,这可能是一个艰难的任务。

The United States and China are inextricably locked in the Pacific Rim’s system of international trade. Some argue that this makes war impossible, but then while some believed World War I inevitable, but others similarly thought it impossible.

In this article I concentrate less on the operational and tactical details of a US-China war, and more on the strategic objectives of the major combatants before, during, and after the conflict. A war between the United States and China would transform some aspects of the geopolitics of East Asia, but would also leave many crucial factors unchanged. Tragically, a conflict between China and the US might be remembered only as “The First Sino-American War.”

How the War Would Start

Fifteen years ago, the only answers to “How would a war between the People’s Republic of China and the United States start?” involved disputes over Taiwan or North Korea. A Taiwanese declaration of independence, a North Korean attack on South Korea, or some similar triggering event would force the PRC and the US reluctantly into war.

This has changed. The expansion of Chinese interests and capabilities means that we can envision several different scenarios in which direct military conflict between China and the United States might begin. These still include a Taiwan scenario and North Korea scenario, but now also involve disputes in the East and South China Seas [3], as well as potential conflict with India along the Tibetan border.

The underlying factors are the growth of Chinese power, Chinese dissatisfaction with the US-led regional security system, and US alliance commitments to a variety of regional states. As long as these factors hold, the possibility for war will endure.

Whatever the trigger, the war does not begin with a US pre-emptive attack against Chinese fleet, air, and land-based installations [4]. Although the US military would prefer to engage and destroy Chinese anti-access assets before they can target US planes, bases, and ships, it is extremely difficult to envisage a scenario in which the United States decides to pay the political costs associated with climbing the ladder of escalation.

Instead, the United States needs to prepare to absorb the first blow. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the U.S. Navy (USN) and U.S. Air Force (USAF) have to wait for Chinese missiles to rain down upon them, but the United States will almost certainly require some clear, public signal of Chinese intent to escalate to high-intensity, conventional military combat before it can begin engaging Chinese forces.









If the history of World War I gives any indication, the PLA will not allow the United States to fully mobilize in order to either launch a first strike, or properly prepare to receive a first blow [5]. At the same time, a “bolt from the blue” strike is unlikely. Instead, a brewing crisis will steadily escalate over a few incidents, finally triggering a set of steps on the part of the US military that indicate to Beijing that Washington is genuinely prepared for war. These steps will include surging carrier groups, shifting deployment to Asia from Europe and the Middle East, and moving fighter squadrons towards the Pacific. At this moment, China will need to decide whether to push forward or back down.

On the economic side, Beijing and Washington will both press for sanctions (the US effort will likely involve a multilateral effort), and will freeze each others assets, as well as those of any co-belligerents. This will begin the economic pain for capital and consumers across the Pacific Rim, and the rest of the world. The threat of high intensity combat will also disrupt global shipping patterns, causing potentially severe bottlenecks in industrial production.

How do the Allies Respond

Whether US allies support American efforts against China depends on how the war begins. If war breaks out over a collapse of the DPRK, the United States can likely count on the support of South Korea and Japan. Any war stemming from disputes in the East China Sea will necessarily involve Japan. If events in the South China Sea lead to war, the US can probably rely on some of the ASEAN states, as well as possibly Japan. Australia may also support the US over a wide range of potential circumstances.

China faces a less complicated situation with respect to allies. Beijing could probably expect benevolent neutrality, including shipments of arms and spares, from Russia, but little more. The primary challenge for Chinese diplomats would be establishing and maintaining the neutrality of potential US allies. This would involve an exceedingly complex dance, including reassurances about Chinese long-term intentions, as well as displays of confidence about the prospects of Chinese victory (which would carry the implicit threat of retribution for support of the United States).

North Korea presents an even more difficult problem. Any intervention on the part of the DPRK runs the risk of triggering Japanese and South Korean counter-intervention, and that math doesn’t work out for China. Unless Beijing is certain that Seoul and Tokyo will both throw in for the United States (a doubtful prospect given their hostility to one another), it may spend more time restraining Pyongyang than pushing it into the conflict.

strike 攻击: 谷歌自动翻译只认得“罢工”







War Aims

The US will pursue the following war aims:

1. Defeat the affirmative expeditionary purpose of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

2. Destroy the offensive capability of the PLAN and People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

3. Potentially destabilize the control of the CCP government over mainland China.

Except in the case of a war that breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, the first task involves either defeating a Chinese attempt to land forces, or preventing the reinforcement and resupply of those troops before forcing their surrender. The second task will require a wide range of attacks against deployed Chinese air and naval units, as well as ships and aircraft held in reserve. We can expect, for example, that the USN and USAF will target Chinese airbases, naval bases, and potentially missile bases in an effort to maximize damage to the PLAN and PLAAF. The third task probably depends on the successful execution of the first two. The defeat of Chinese expeditionary forces, and the destruction of a large percentage of the PLAN and the PLAAF, may cause domestic turmoil in the medium to long term. US military planners would be well-advised to concentrate the strategic campaign on the first two objectives and hope that success has a political effect, rather than roll the dice on a broader “strategic” campaign against CCP political targets. The latter would waste resources, run the risk of escalation, and have unpredictable effects on the Chinese political system.

The PLA will pursue these ends:

1. Achieve the affirmative expeditionary purpose.

2. Destroy as much of the expeditionary capability of the USAF and USN as possible.

3. Hurt America badly enough that future US governments will not contemplate intervention.

4. Disrupt the US-led alliance system in East Asia.

The first task requires the deployment of PLAN surface forces, possibly in combination with PLAAF airborne forces, to seize an objective. The second involves the use of submarines, aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles to destroy US and allied installations and warships across East Asia.

The third and fourth tasks rest upon the second. The PLA will attempt to inflict sufficient casualties on US forces that future US decision-makers will hesitate to use force against the PRC. Similarly, the survival of the US-led alliance system requires that the United States successfully defeat Chinese aggression; if it cannot, the alliance system could deteriorate and collapse.

The United States hasn’t lost a fighter in action since the 1999 Kosovo War, and hasn’t lost a major warship since World War II. The sinking of a warship would likely also result in the greatest loss of life of any single action for the US military in action since the Vietnam War. However, both US and Chinese strategists may overestimate US casualty aversion. The loss of a major warship and its crew might serve to solidify US commitment (at least in the short term) rather than undermine it.

The “Hold Your Breath” Moments

The biggest moment will come when the PLA makes an overt attack against a US aircraft carrier. This represents the most significant possible escalation against the United States short of a nuclear attack. If China decides to attack a US carrier, the war no longer involves posturing and message sending, but rather a full-scale commitment of capabilities designed to defeat and destroy enemy military forces.

The means for this attack matters. An attack launched from a ship or a submarine makes any PLAN military vessel fair game for the United States, but doesn’t necessarily incur US attacks against PLAAF airbases, Second Artillery missile installations, or even naval installations.

The most dangerous form of attack would involve a ballistic missile volley against a carrier. This is true not simply because these missiles are difficult to intercept, but also because such missiles could carry nuclear warheads. The prospect of a nuclear state using a conventional ballistic missile against another nuclear state, especially one with a presumptive nuclear advantage, is laden with complexity.

The next “hold your breath” moment will come when the first US missiles strike Chinese targets. Given the overwhelming nuclear advantage that the United States holds over China, the first wave of US attacks will prove deeply stressful to the PRCs military and civilian leadership. This is particularly the case if the Chinese believe that they can win at the conventional level of escalation; they will worry that the United States will bump to nuclear in order to retain its advantage.




















We can expect that China will deploy its submarines in advance of the onset of hostilities. The surface fleet is a different story, however. In any high intensity combat scenario, the U.S. Navy (USN) and U.S. Air Force will see Chinese warships as legitimate targets for destruction, and will attack with air and subsurface assets. Indeed, even hiding in port probably won’t prevent attacks on the PLAN’s largest ships, including the carrier Liaoning and the big new amphibious transport docks.

China will only sortie the PLAN under two circumstances; if it feels it has sufficient force protection to allow a task force to operate relatively unmolested, or if China’s position has become desperate. In either situation, US submarines will pose the most immediate threat to the surface forces.

Under most war scenarios, China needs to fight for some affirmative purpose, not simply the destruction of US or Japanese military forces. This means that the PLAN must invade, capture, supply, and defend some geographical point, most likely either Taiwan or an outpost in the East or South China Sea. The PLA will need to establish the conditions under which the PLAN can conduct surface support missions.

Who Will Win?

The most difficult question to judge is “who will win?” because that question involves assessing a wide variety of unknowns. We don’t know how well Chinese anti-ship ballistic missiles will function, or how destructive US cyber-attacks against the PLAN will prove, or how dangerous the F-22 Raptor will be to conventional Chinese fighters, or how effectively the different elements of the PLAN will cooperate in actual combat. Finally, we don’t know when the war will start; both the PLA and the US military will look much different in 2020 than they do in 2014.

However, in general terms the battle will turn on these questions:

1. Electronic Warfare:

How severely will the United States disrupt Chinese communications, electronic, and surveillance capabilities? Attacking US forces will depend on communication between seers and shooters. To the extent that the US can disrupt this communication, it can defang the PLA. Conversely, Chinese cyber-warfare against the United States could raise the domestic stakes for American policymakers.

2. Missiles vs. Missile Defenses:

How well will the USN and USAF be able to defeat Chinese ballistic and cruise missiles? The PLAN, PLAAF, and Second Artillery have a bewildering array of missile options [6] for attacking deployed and deploying US forces in depth. The American capacity to survive the onslaught depends in part on the effectiveness of defenses against cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as the ability to strike and destroy launchers within and around China.





判断最难的问题是“谁会赢?”,因为这个问题涉及评估各种未知数。我们不知道中国反舰弹道导弹的作用有多好,美国的计算机网络攻击如何破坏,或是F-22猛禽将会对传统的中国战士造成多么的危险,的计划将在实战中配合。最后,我们不知道战争何时开始; 2020年,解放军和美军在2020年将会大相径庭。






3. Joint Operations:

How well will the disparate elements of the PLA operate together [7] in context of high intensity, disruptive military operations? Unlike the US military, the PLA has little relevant combat experience from the last three decades. On the flipside, how well will US “Air-Sea Battle” work prepare the USN and the USAF for working together?

4. Quality vs. Quantity:

Chinese forces are highly likely to achieve local numerical superiority in some types of assets, primarily aircraft and submarines. The (narrowing) gap between US and Chinese technology and training will determine how well American forces can survive and prevail in such situations.

How the War Would End

This war doesn’t end with a surrender signed on a battleship. Instead, it ends with one participant beaten, embittered, and likely preparing for the next round.

The best case scenario for an American victory would be a result akin to the collapse of the Imperial German government at the end of World War I, or the collapse of Leopoldo Galtieri’s military government after the Falklands conflict. Humiliating defeat in war, including the destruction of a significant portion of the PLAN and the PLAAF, as well as severe economic distress, could undermine the grip of the CCP on Chinese governance. This is an extremely iffy prospect, however, and the United States shouldn’t count on victory leading to a new revolution.

What if China wins? China can claim victory by either forcing the United States into an accommodation to US goals, or by removing the alliance framework that motivates and legitimates US action. The United States cannot continue the war if South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines no longer have an interest in fighting. Either of these require doing significant damage to US military forces and, potentially, to the US economy.

The impact of a defeat on US domestic politics would be tough to predict. The United States has “lost” wars in the past, but these defeats have generally involved negotiated settlements of areas not particularly critical to US global interests. It’s not clear how the US people would interpret a major military defeat at the hands of a peer competitor, especially a peer competitor that continues to grow in military and economic power. The President and political party that led the US into war would likely suffer dramatically at the polls, at least after the immediate shock of defeat wore off.

The biggest diplomatic and political challenge that both countries face will probably be finding a way for the other side to give up while maintaining its “honor.” No one benefits if this war becomes a struggle for regime survival, or for national prestige.

How the Peace Begins

The prospect for US conflict with China in the Asia-Pacific depends on a basic appreciation of the changing balance of economic and military power. World War I could not change the fact that Germany would remain the largest and most powerful state in Central Europe. Similarly, war is unlikely to change the long-term trajectory of Chinese growth and assertiveness.

A key to peace involves the re-establishment of productive economic relations between China, the United States, and the rest of the Pacific Rim. Regardless of how the war plays out, it will almost certainly disrupt patterns of trade and investment around the world. If either side decides to attack (or, more likely, inter) commercial shipping, the impact could devastate firms and countries that have no direct stake in the war. However, the governments of both the US and China will face strong pressures to facilitate the resumption of full trade relations, at least in consumer goods.

China will not find it difficult to reconstruct war losses. Even if the United States effectively annihilates the PLAN and the PLAAF, we can expect that the Chinese shipbuilding and aviation industries will replace most losses within the decade, probably with substantial assistance from Russia. Indeed, significant Chinese war losses could reinvigorate both the Russian shipbuilding and aviation industries. Moreover, the war will, by necessity, “modernize” the PLA and PLAAF by destroying legacy capability. A new fleet of ships and planes will replace the legacy force.

War losses to trained personnel will hurt, but the experience gained in combat will produce a new, highly trained and effective corps of personnel. This will lead to better, more realistic training for the next generations of PLA soldiers, sailors, and airmen. Win or lose, the Chinese military will likely be more lethal a decade after the war.
















The United States may have a harder time replacing losses, and not only because US warships and aircraft cost more than their Chinese counterparts. The production lines for the F-15 and F-16 are near the end, and the US no longer produces F-22. Moreover, US shipbuilding has declined to the point that replacing significant war losses could take a very long time. This might prove particularly problematic if the war demonstrated severe problems with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Given US intention to arm the USAF, USN, and USMC with F-35 variants over the next decade, proof of inadequacy would wreck force planning for the foreseeable future.

The United States will have to face the “was it worth it?” question. In victory or defeat, the US will suffer substantial military and economic damage. Even if the US wins, it will not “solve” the problem of China; even in the unlikely event that the CCP collapses, a successor regime will still dispute China’s littoral.

Potentially, victory could cement the US-led alliance system, making the containment of China considerably less expensive. Assuming that the war began with an assertive Chinese move in the East or South China Sea, the United States could plausibly paint China as the aggressor, and establish itself as the focal point for balancing behavior in the region. Chinese aggression might also spur regional allies (especially Japan) to increase their defense expenditures.

A war could invigorate US government and society around the long-term project of containing China. The US could respond by redoubling its efforts to outpace the Chinese military, although this would provoke an arms race that could prove devastating to both sides. However, given the lack of ideological or territorial threats to the United States, this might be a tough sell.

Finally, the United States could respond by effectively removing itself from the East Asian political scene, at least in a military sense. This option would be hard for many in the US to swallow, given that generations of American foreign policy-makers have harbored hegemonic ambitions.


The window for war between the United States and China will, in all likelihood, last for a long time. Preventing war will require tremendous skill and acumen from diplomats and policymakers. Similarly, the demands of positioning either side for victory will continue to tax diplomatic, military, and technological resources for the foreseeable future. At the moment, however, we shouldn’t forget that China and the United States constitute the heart of one of the most productive economic regions the world has ever seen. That’s something to protect, and to build on.

Robert Farley is an assistant professor at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce. His work includes military doctrine, national security, and maritime affairs. He blogs at Lawyers, Guns and Money and Information Dissemination and The Diplomat. Follow him on Twitter: @drfarls].

美国可能更难取代损失,不仅因为美国军舰和飞机的成本超过了中国同行。 F-15和F-16的生产线接近尾声,美国不再生产F-22。此外,美国造船业已经下降到取代重大战争损失可能需要很长时间。如果战争显示了F-35联合打击战斗机的严重问题,这可能是特别有问题的。鉴于美国在未来十年内打算在美国空军,美国海军和美国海军陆战队组装F-35型号,因此在可预见的未来,不足之处就会导致部队规划失败。







罗伯特·法利(Robert Farley)是帕特森外交与国际商务学院的助理教授。他的工作包括军事理论,国家安全和海事。他在律师,枪支和金钱与信息传播和外交官博客。跟随他在Twitter上:@drfarls。


jim okay • 4 hours ago

For those warmongers, please answer these questions:

1. Why would the US want a war with China for interests in the South China Sea, that is not even vital to America? Please consider Guam and Hawaii will be in danger, less the Continental US as China considers the islands man-made or natural and the vicinity as its core interests.

2. The Tribunal, the PCA arbitration court that executed the proceedings of the SCS case was/is not an UN court. An arbitration with only one participant, which was the Philippines cannot be binding on the non-participant. Anyone wants to give me an example that there is/was any arbitration ever happened that makes the non-participant binding?

3. Does anyone thinks that the Tribunal was not biased against China? The court found that the Itu Aba or the Taiping Island was/is not a natural island that meets the definition of Article 121 of the UNCLOS. Does anyone believe that? The Itu Aba or the Taiping Island was/is a natural island which not only meets but far exceeds the criteria needed for it to be called an island. The Itu Aba or the Taiping Island does has 200 nautical miles of EEZ. In fact, all the man-made or extended islands that China built of reclaimed fall within the 200 nm of the Itu Aba or the Taiping Island. Thus China has never violated the laws within the Article 60 of the UNCLOS. That's why, Western media only talks about China violates international law, but they tell you which international law that China actually violates.

4. Most people just open their mouth to bash China's behavior in the SCS, but in fact, they have never read what is written in the UNCLOS. Are you one of these China bashers?

20  • Reply•Share ›


Junky  jim okay • 4 hours ago

The bottom line: Why would the Greedy Chinese want to control these islands or claiming these islands? China think they own everything in South East Asia marking the 9 dots. Let me remind you without American investments in China you peasants are still eating roots and grass. So don't tell us readin those pathetic phony stories. We don't need to do that. If the GREEDY China doesn't want a war then stop bullying other small countries.

Xi is just another Mao's clone no more no less. Xi should investigate his own family for corruption first before investigating other people.

12  • Reply•Share ›


Sam Pensive  Junky 

'... If the GREEDY China doesn't want a war then stop bullying other small countries....

let's discriminate between Chinese and the Communist Chinese government. true peace in China will only come when the Chinese take their country back from the Communists.

until then it is just a big jail ruled by a corrupt dynasty.

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racketvantage  Sam Pensive 

As a Chinese who lived in China and then moved to America 10 years ago, I respectfully have to correct your statement. There is zero, no distinction between Chinese and Communist Chinese.

Greed and lack of ethics is just the way of life for almost all Chinese people. To be fair, Han Chinese to be more exact. I've come to learn that even the Chinese in America who I know well or at least share a community with are extremely unethical because they can't help but bring their dishonest culture and way of life with them.

It's just built into the Chinese mindset, whereas Communism is nothing more than a phase China is using. Eliminate the Communist government, and China will still be stealing technology and land grabbing.

I really don't expect all foreigners to understand how scary the Chinese can be if they haven't been exposed to Chinese culture, but they need to be aware of it if they don't want to be caught with their pants down.


BrownRice  racketvantage 

Man, that Hugo thing will be very mad at you.


Syd Kahre  racketvantage 

I believe you are absolutely correct.

2  • Reply•Share ›


Steve Bell  racketvantage 

Garbage. You're an unemployed troll who couldn't find work in China.


vox3non  racketvantage 

Sure, you are as Chinese as I am the Yeti. :P

1  • Reply•Share ›


Andrew Wang  racketvantage

Racketvantage, you are an embarrassment and should be ashamed of your inferiority complex. Why don't you do a Michael Jackson and bleach your skin to look like a white ghost.

The US is much more corrupt then even the Indians. China is not innocent as corruption is still a major issue, but its open and transparent. The US use senate hearing to slow and negate Chinese acquisitions for example CNOOC's takeover offer of UOOCAL about 8 years ago. It was a corrupt Kangaroo court.

Be proud to be Chinese. The Han people are no worse than the Manchu and Mongolians. Do you really want to be a white man's dog!


purplinko .  racketvantage 

I presume you wouldnt say that if you still live in China...

Joseph Siew • 7 hours ago

A war with China would escalate into a major war, for sure. US war analysts have a misconception that war with China would be a regional war, in East Sea, South Sea or both. China's strategy is to hit where it hurts. That's mainland USA. People in USA will have to die to feel how terrible war could be. It would no longer be a war far away. So, better pray that war with China or Russia would not happen.


Hantribe • 4 hours ago

If Japan sided with USA and go kinetic, US base in Okinawa will be vaporised. If South Korea sided with USA and go kinetic, US base in South Korea will be liquidated. The choice is theirs.


兰德公司最新的一项研究表明,随着中国军事实力的提升,美国再也无法确保在中 美战争中能够迅速赢得决定性的胜利。

该研究报告的首席作者、非营利性研究机构兰德公司的兼职高级研究员大卫·龚培 德(David Gompert)表示:"中美战争似乎是不可想象的,但战争的可能进程和结果 值得两国深思。"


龚培德说:"历史表明,如果战争对于交战双方都极具破坏力,那就会持续很久,直到有一方彻底溃败。而我们的研究结果显示,未来中美之战很可能呈现这种情 景。"



本项研究从战争的强度和持续时间出发,分析中美之间爆发战争的预想情景,以及 每种情景可能对各自造成的影响。此外,还探讨了如何在美国的目的与预期成本、战时双边沟通机制和美方应采取的预备措施之间取得平衡;考量了可能涉及的经济、国内国际和政治等各方面的因素。最后认为,核战争的可能性微乎其微。



在目前情况下开战,中方的军队损失将远超过美方。但是,中方的“反介入”能力迅猛发展,可能令美方的损失加大;而随着美方打击能力耗尽,中方的损失将会下降。即使中国的军事实力有所增强,也无法确保在战场上占据优势。最后极可能演化成 持久战,结果难料。

然而,这样一来,经济成本、国内政治影响和国际社会反应等非军事因素可能将变得愈发重要,对中方也愈加不利。考虑到对贸易活动的影响,持续一年的高强度战争下来,中国的国内生产总值可能会下降至少 25%。



题为 《与中国开战:不可思议之议》的研究报告,可在兰德公司网站 (www.rand.org)查阅。该报告的共同作者为 Astrid Stuth Cevallos 和 Cristina Garafola。

本研究项目系由美国陆军副部长办公室资助,隶属于兰德阿罗约中心(Rand Arroyo Center)的战略、原则与资源项目。兰德阿罗约中心作为兰德公司的分支机构,是联 邦政府资助的研发中心,具体由美国陆军提供资助。



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