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Stay hungry.Stay foolish.和“美国优先” zt
送交者:  2017年05月21日11:07:57 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”是苹果公司前总裁Steve Jobs生前欣赏的一句名言。





“that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights……”最恰当的翻译是造物主创造了平等的个人,并赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利。




下面是“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”的相关英文解释:

1It was Steve Jobs's ending comment in the Stanford Commencement in 2005and Jobs mentioned:

What does this phrase mean? I understand this may also seem philosophical, but when studying English, often we not only study the words, but we often study what the meaning is, and what a phrase or writing may mean or imply.

Never be satisfied, and always push yourself.

2Do (or be willing to keep trying) the things people say cannot be done.

3Stay hungry can be interpreted as "stay eager", and stay foolish can be interpreted as "be ready to try new things" or "be ready to step out of your comfort zone".

4This phrase purposefully uses negative adjectives in a positive way. This is what gives this phrase its "punch." Taking a word, phrase, or situation and contrasting how it is normally used versus how it is used in a given case is a common rhetorical device.

Hungry here means "wanting something more", as in "He was hungry for a raise." Jobs is putting forward that being dissatisfied with what you have and wanting more is a good thing.

Likewise, someone who is foolish acts without thinking and takes unnecessary risks. Jobs is saying that you SHOULD take stupid risks and throw caution to the wind.

Taken together, Jobs is simply saying: "You only live once, so make it count and go after what you want no matter what."

5If you're "hungry" and "foolish," you are willing to learn. So Jobs was telling people always be willing to learn new things.

Stay hungry = Always be curious to learn more and achieve more.

Stay foolish = Dare to make unconventional decision as Steve Jobs did when he quit his college to persue his quest, as Gandhi did when he adopted satyagraha against oppression, as Buffet did early in his career when he made some well calculated investments in low priced high potential companies. In this case some people might call you foolish but Providence will prove that it pays to stay foolish. Here I humbly beg to differ from an interpretation of stay foolish (that we should be ready to learn more) because interpretation of stay hungry naturally includes this thought.

The opposite of being foolish is being smart. And being smart usually means you know everything. Being foolish is kind of "not knowing everything" and still willing to learn.

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