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送交者:  2013年04月07日06:51:47 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

By Phil Stewart


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has decided to delay a long-planned missile test scheduled for next week out of California "to avoid any misperception or miscalculation," given tensions with North Korea, a senior U.S. defense official said on Saturday.

The unusual precaution by the United States follows a barrage of hostile rhetoric from North Korea - including the threat of open war - that has created jitters in South Korea's financial markets.

It also came after reports in the South that Pyongyang, under its 30-year-old leader, Kim Jong-un, had moved two medium-range missiles to a location on its east coast.

The White House said on Friday it would "not be surprised" if the North staged another missile test. At the same time, officials have said there are no signs Pyongyang is gearing up for war, such as large-scale troop movements.

The U.S. decision will delay a test of the Minuteman III intercontinental missile, which had been scheduled for next week out of Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

"This is the logical, prudent and responsible course of action to take," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The U.S. official said the test had been unconnected to "anything related to North Korea" and added that another test launch could be expected next month. The United States remained fully prepared to respond to any North Korean threat, the official said.

Analysts are looking anxiously ahead to April 15, the birthday of Kim Il-sung, North Korea's founder and the grandfather of its current leader, Kim Jong-un. The anniversary is a time of mass celebrations, nationalist fervor and occasional demonstrations of military prowess.


North Korean authorities have told diplomatic missions they could not guarantee their safety from next Wednesday - after declaring that conflict was inevitable amid joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises due to last until the end of the month.

Still, staff at embassies in North Korea appeared to be remaining in place on Saturday despite the appeal.

Most countries saw the appeal to the missions as little more than strident rhetoric after weeks of threats by North Korea to launch a nuclear strike on the United States and declarations of war against the South.

But Russia said it was "seriously studying" the request.

A South Korean government official expressed bewilderment.

"It's hard to define what is its real intention," said the official, who asked not to be identified. "But it (North Korea) might have intensified these threats to strengthen the regime internally or to respond to the international community."

The United States is walking a difficult line, seeking to assure allies it will defend them in a crisis while trying to avoid further escalating tensions.

Initially, Washington used the drills with South Korea as an opportunity to demonstrate that commitment, including flying two B-2 stealth bombers over the Korean peninsula in March. The Pentagon also announced new or expanded missile defense systems in Alaska and Guam.

But the officials have told Reuters the United States will likely be less public about the drills in April, perhaps giving North Korea space to wind down its rhetoric. The latest decision to delay the U.S. missile test was also described as a prudent step.

"This test ... has been delayed to avoid any misperception or miscalculation in light of recent tensions on the Korean peninsula," the official said.

Shares in South Korea slid on Friday, but analysts said much of the decline was linked to the Bank of Japan's monetary easing policies and one analyst said further major falls were unlikely.

Most Korea watchers believe Kim is a rational actor who understands his military is no match for Seoul and its U.S. ally and that straying too far from historic North Korean practices could jeopardize his own political survival.

(Additional reporting by Jane Chung in Seoul,; Editing by Peter Cooney)

  白痴看法。 - 黑木崖  /无内容 - 雨打芭蕉 04/07/13 (270)
      朝鲜是中国的前院老毛子的后院,中俄岂能让美国胡来?  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (288)
        明白人!(NND,不知道怎么评价你了)  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (307)
          我所说朝鲜可用后续招术,是有撑腰的。美国不服软就是犯傻!  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (297)
  这离金三所要的差太远,这台阶太不顺脚  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (289)
      老美上策是弃韩离亚,以换取朝核不散。但伊核已太晚。老美蠢!  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (282)
  金三命硬啊,生在好年代  /无内容 - 父皇 04/07/13 (284)
    蝗虫,滚  /无内容 - 方块 04/08/13 (259)
      中国的情报武器与后勤支援,令美三千公里内无后勤基地。咋打?  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (322)
        我认为老美必软,换取留在东亚。美若继续与朝为敌,结果会更坏。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (289)
          瞎子摸象,小心别把手伸到屁股里了  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (285)
            老美若不服软,朝鲜接着就是大搞中东南美核扩散。看谁哭!  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (321)
              你这是呆子的思考,闭门造车也。难道服软了就不可搞核扩散了?  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (359)
                美国与朝鲜,后者更讲信用。朝鲜严格遵守早已实际作废的停战协议  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (336)
                  弱国无外交是什么意思?过时了吗?  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (345)
                    弱国可拥核。拥核,老美就不敢随意欺负。老美与朝为敌,走着瞧!  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (313)
              美在全世界都不敢动武之时,就是美元死亡之日。没钱拿啥养航母  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (314)
                你就是那个绑架人质的歹徒的想法,非要人家送一万个人质来,否则就杀死手上的人质  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (326)
                  老美不让朝鲜舒坦,朝鲜就让老美也不舒坦。礼尚往来也!  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (334)
                    礼尚往来的背后是实力,老美和朝鲜礼尚往来那是老残幻想记  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (327)
                      慢慢看吧。老美六方会谈耍赖,直接导致朝核。继续玩儿赖会更惨!  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (331)
                        老美打萨达姆时曾经也有人像你一样的预测,最后很准确,老美顶不住撤军了  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (312)
                          朝鲜背后有中俄。还用多说吗?  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (331)
                            打南斯拉夫时,CCTV的名嘴也让人大跌眼镜,CCTV怎么没把你请去?  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (317)
        请问韩战时美的后勤基地在哪里  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (318)
          在南朝鲜。今天在韩日关岛所有港口,都在朝鲜火力打击范围内。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (276)
            1.在日本 2. 你认为北韩可以称霸世界了(如果他们想的话)?  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (299)
              世界上没有北韩,只有朝鲜与南朝鲜。朝鲜只求和平,无他。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (291)
                世界上只有朝鲜半岛,没有韩半岛。有朝鲜海,没有韩海,。。。。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (308)
                  朝鲜统一半岛的前提是中国支持。但中国的支持是由利益支配,不是从你那浆糊脑袋里想出来的  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (333)
                    你那西方思维大错特错!中国当然支持无美国势力的朝鲜半岛统一。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (308)
                      “当然支持”?朝鲜也是这么想的  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (325)
                        建议你去向有关部门借阅国家战略研究报告。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (341)
                          还用借研究报告?大象踩死蚂蚁,明眼人一看就看到了  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (339)
                            知道鼠能伏象不?  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (321)
                              太知道了,鼠入象PG,结果象便秘,鼠也憋死  /无内容 - 卖油翁 04/07/13 (320)
              日本是二线后勤。现在说的是一线后勤基地推后三千公里。  /无内容 - 老朽 04/07/13 (308)
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