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Truth is tristed......
送交者: Snow 2011月12月18日20:16:52 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 乌坎村1.3万人剩粮7天 逾千武警海陆围堵 wada 于 2011-12-18 10:31:29

In truth the report tried to midlead readers on what the villagers really want, democracy or strong desire on the investigation of wrong doings of local government, regarding illegal farming land lose and suspicious death of the representive for a land negotiation with the local government. To my knowledge, the villagers want the investigation of wrong doing of local government, instead of democracy.

Why the writers tried to add trist and mislead the messages that the villagers want to send to the central governmnet for investigation? One explanation is the report was forged by somebody related to the local government, try to distract the central government, and get the central government on the side of the local government. It is really horrible.

Thanks to communication technology, the central government will find out the truth, and take action to protect the poor villagers, return the farming land that they lost to the cruel local government, and polish the person who was involved in the death of the representative for land negotiation.

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