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送交者: 道友 2011月12月12日09:25:01 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 十万亿人民币左右。这个也不算少了。到最后估计还是中央银行吸收 x-file 于 2011-12-12 08:23:51


Chinese M2 increased from RMB 66.3 trillion in May, 2010 to RMB 76.3 trillion in May, 2011, or 15% annually.

I got back to China four days ago, and from a few observations, I can see that this new money is flowing mostly into housing. I went down to the convenience store yesterday, and the price of a large bottle of water and a cup of yogurt are the same as they were two years ago, when I first came to China. Meaning that the increase in the money supply is not being reflected in basic consumer goods.

Housing prices are another story. A friend of mine told me that when she went to meet the new people that had moved in above her, she found out they had paid double what she had paid two years ago. (And this was on the fifth floor of a building with no elevator.)

Another friend’s house has increased four times over the 2005 purchase price. That is much higher than that the 160% increase in China’s currency over that time. I believe China will most likely experience what the U.S. is going through in that housing prices crash while the price of every day goods continue to rise.

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2010: 一不靠偷,二不靠抢,三不靠潜规则,四
2010: 二战后苏联犒赏士兵:敌国财物和女人内