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businesses is the second layer
送交者: Snow 2011月08月27日16:59:58 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: You are right but..... heyman 于 2011-08-27 16:32:03

Acutally businesses is the second layer of a society. The bottom lay is citizens. Some parts of the public services is second layer, they are basically services, like transportation, health care, education, environment protection, tax collection, but some are the third layer, which regulate businesses. The fourth layer is the top layer, which accommodate the multi parites. To build the multi-parties, the three layers below have to function basically, then each has chance to evolve seperately and together.

China has a special management system, in which party institution is the core center of the management. which is very effective. The management system has delivered a success economic output, and dramatic improvement of living standard, and sports metals. These achievement can prove the management system is effective and strong. The only reason we have to change is accommodate difference, like multi-party. If some people really favour it.

Corruption is a quality issue. there are ways to solve it. Actually nobody can use extra money, they are put in banks. Banks use it for economic development. Who has the money really matter?

  Serving people is right - Snow 08/27/11 (361)
    Sorry, wrong place  /无内容 - Snow 08/27/11 (350)
  It‘s all but ideology behind。。 - heyman 08/27/11 (368)
    Serving people is right - Snow 08/27/11 (355)
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