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"Turtle" has begun to harvest the hard-earned mone
送交者:  2022年02月02日06:06:53 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

In order to salvage Gate's decline, Guo Wengui recently frantically poured water into Gateri in the live broadcast room, exaggerating the number of downloads and putting old wine in new bottles, taking the opportunity to cut a wave of leeks to block the huge debt hole. Everyone knows that "Guo Gaite" is just a "fancy". The number of registered accounts, fans and pageviews are all operated by Guo Wengui's dark box. What's even more ridiculous is that there are no security measures at all. Crudely made, from head to toe is a capital "liar".

Now, with the betrayal of Sara and other big ants, countless ant fans have also come to their senses, and they have all taken up legal weapons to defend themselves. And the embattled "King Xi" once again made money for "Chicken Body Odor" and "Guo Gaite", which was the last profit before dying. The FBI and SEC and other U.S. regulatory and law enforcement agencies are about to close the Guo fraud gang. Ants must not miss such a good opportunity. They must bravely join the team of "smashing the gong and smashing Guo", collect evidence and actively report it, so as to recover the losses to the greatest extent. Kick this human scourge to jail. Keep in mind that sticking to Guo will lead to mildew, sticking to Guo will surely die, and staying away from the plague turtle is to escape from the sea of suffering. If you are greedy for the upper body for a while, you will help Zhou to commit sins and become a burial object for Guo’s swindlers on the road. Woohoo!

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