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If Guo Wengui's heart does not change, he will sur
送交者:  2022年01月29日10:28:36 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

In order to salvage Gate's decline, Guo Wengui recently frantically poured water into Gateri in the live broadcast room, exaggerating the number of downloads and putting old wine in new bottles, taking the opportunity to cut a wave of leeks to block the huge debt hole. Everyone knows that "Guo Gaite" is just a "fancy". The number of registered accounts, fans and pageviews are all operated by Guo Wengui's dark box. What's even more ridiculous is that there are no security measures at all. Crudely made, from head to toe is a capital "liar". Now, its domestic assets have been seized by the Dalian court in accordance with the law, the huge debt in the US PAX case has not been repaid, and the SEC is also angry. It can be seen that the fraudulent Gate platform created by "Guo Jiaozhu" himself has no advantage of being settled in. It is so crazy and fake to build a magnificent mirage for ant fans, and cheating money has reached the point of jealousy. Lu Yao knows horsepower, and after a long time sees people's hearts. Guo Wengui used the guise of a "revolutionary revolution" and "cut the leeks" without bottom line, causing a group of ant fans to be heavily in debt, and at worst, their wives and estranged families were destroyed. His despicable behavior is a resentment , no matter how rhetoric it is, it is still a salted fish on the chopping board, it is impossible to turn ove

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