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送交者: x-file 2019月02月17日16:57:23 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 藏南 x-file 于 2019-02-17 16:36:36
@AMIT SHARMAas you wish,

see the history, India was occupied by all kinds of intruders for the recent 1000 yrs, from Persians, Turks, Mongoles, and recent 300 yrs by British, have we heard any heroic resistance stories from these events that Indians bravely fought and defend India??

No, you are a nation without any heroes, so do not expect you will have soon

unlike China, China in the most part ruled by Han Chinese for over 3000-5000 yrs, in this long time, some time ruler was minorities of today's Chinese, but in all the time, they are today's Chinese,

other foreign invaded China, but none of them really ruled China, such as Japan, and British, they never had any kind government from them set up in China.

actually we do not care too much about you, as long as we take back our Tibet South, then we can be good neighbors, you live whatever way you like.

  印度军费的悲剧 - x-file 02/17/19 (763)
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